Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thesis Question

What is the best way to harness wind energy as a power source for Old Main?


  1. "Best way" feels a bit too vague. I suggest you replace it with something like "what is the most efficient(sustainable? cost efficient? green?) option to harness wind energy".

  2. I have a number of items i managed to get ahold of that you should find rather usefull:

    -A pdf copy of the most recent edition of the times magazine containing a great article on how denmark generates more power using wind turbines than it uses.(pg 65-70)

    -The wind energy handbook, also as a pdf file, it looks very technical and is some 600 pages long.

    -Wind and solar power systems, another large textbook in pdf format.

    -renewable energy resources, a large textbook that has a chapter on solar energy.

    all together they are only 23mb, so if you remind me on monday ill give them to you.
    potentially a lot of reading...
    hope they help

  3. Anika, I'll ask Dale about it next opportunity I get.

    Ivory, do you have these saved on a flash drive or soemthing? I'd like to get these off of you!
